Colin Self

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  • Colin Self, Thunderbird, 2019, Spray paint, graphite crayon and pencil on cardboard Tick Tock Tea packaging. Private collection © Colin Self. All rights reserved DACS 2025.
    Colin Self, Thunderbird, 2019, Spray paint, graphite crayon and pencil on cardboard Tick Tock Tea packaging. Private collection © Colin Self. All rights reserved DACS 2025.

    New Exhibition - One Self: The Creative Life of Colin Self

    Norwich Castle Museum and Art Gallery - 29 March to 21 September 2025
    The Castle Museum and Art Gallery's capsule retrospective exhibition titled One Self, by the artist Colin Self has been long awaited. Although he has been generous enough to show selections of his original drawings, collages and prints with us at C&C in our Pop-Up exhibitions, and he has contributed individual works regularly to international shows about Pop Art, Colin rarely shows his work at scale in museums. Having been fully immersed in the art scene in London showing his work at influential galleries during the 60s, he stood back from the art world in the middle of the 1970s, and his last museum exhibition was seventeen years ago at Pallant House, Sussex.
  • Deep and lasting connections
    Our latest e-newsletter presents more about some of the artists we are showcasing in our online showroom. Colin Self is born and bred in Norfolk while painter and printer Peter Wylie was born in Lowestoft and continues his fascination with the Suffolk landscape and the North Sea. Katargyna Coleman and Roger Hardy moved from London to Norfolk and Suffolk respectively. All find ways of articulating a sense of belonging and have uncovered and maintained a deep connections with our region.

  • Was it all a Dream? By Colin Self
    Was it all a Dream? By Colin Self

    Was It All a Dream?

    When Colin Self travelled across America with David Hockney and friends
    Colin Self attended the Royal College of Art (RCA) in the early sixties – as Pop Art emerged in London. He exhibited at the influential Robert Fraser Gallery, along side Peter Blake, Richard Hamilton and Clive Barker. He sees potential in the everyday objects that surround us and calls himself a ‘hunter’, seeking out connections between objects he has selected out from the detritus of mass consumption.

  • The Ploughman by Colin Self
    The Ploughman by Colin Self
    We are delighted to be showing a selection of work by Norwich resident Colin Self. As Calvin Winner observed: ‘Perhaps the most striking element of Self’s art is that his entire output remains remarkably current and contemporary. His concerns are our concerns, and he continues to reveal and expose art as the essence of life.’