Gatepost has news about the artists and makers C&C showcase online and in our exhibitions. To receive notification of C&C's exhibitions subscribe to the newsletter using the sign up form by clicking here.
Crate of Air, 2018. ©Sean-Scully. Courtesy the artist and YSP (Yorkshire Sculpture Park). Photo © Jonty-Wilde
Sean Scully Exhibition Coming Soon
Opens 23 Apil – 29 October, 2023It is a rare moment for art audiences in the UK as internationally acclaimed artist Sean Scully opens a solo exhibition of his sculpture and paintings, displayed throughout the house and grounds of Houghton Hall, Norfolk. Scully has exhibited internationally, during a long career. Smaller Than The Sky will be one of the visual art events of the year in East Anglia.
Tony Cragg installation at Houghton Hall 2021
Additions to the Houghton Hall Contemporary Art Collection
New additions make a visit to Houghton even more memorable for 2022Making a day out rediscovering the wonders of the main house after being closed for two years due to COVID restrictions gives visitors an opportunity to fall in love with the art inside the house and outside in the gardens and parkland again.
KL Magazine
300 Years Anniversary of Houghton HallA big thank you to the team at KL Magazine for their article covering the special 300th anniversary year at Houghton Hall. This coincided with the May 1st opening of our exhibition in the stables,"Avant Gardeners" as well as our collaboration with Jarrold Norwich, setting up The Granary Gallery, Pop-Up exhibition on the second floor at The Granary in Bedford Street, Norwich.
Molecule of Light by Chris Levine, 2021
Gallery visit: 528Hz Love Frequency
Chris Levine at Houghton HallOn a warm October evening we went to the first public showing of 528Hz Love Frequency a series of immersive light installations by Chris Levine at Houghton Hall.
Last chance to see Damien Hirst at Houghton Hall
The Colour Space exhibitionHave you seen the Damien Hirst exhibition at Houghton Hall yet? This is the last weekend to catch it. We are open alongside with our pop up of 40+ local #artists #designers and #craftspeople - we will reopen on the 18th July but only open Wed, Thurs and Sundays until July 29th (11am to 5pm)
One month and counting
Looking forward to the opening of our next pop up on 29 MarchJust over a month to go before we open our pop up shop in the Stables at Houghton Hall from Sunday 25 March, ending 29 July 2018. We will feature a selection of new work by 40+ of Norfolk’s finest craftspeople and artists from across generations, a few from the wider area of East Anglia – many showing with us for the first time. It will coincide with the Damien Hirst exhibition (March 25 – July 15, 2018).
Norfolk Art Event - 80 Days
Thank you to the artists and sponsors who made our Pop-Up at The Stables at Houghton Hall so special!When our pop-up closes in the stables at Houghton Hall on Saturday 30 September, we will have completed eighty days. In those eighty days we have welcomed upwards of 16,000 visitors and sold artworks and designed pieces by over 48 local artists, designers and craftspeople from all across Norfolk. Don't miss your chance to purchase one of these wonderful treasures!
It's all In the detail
Paul P Smith shows his new work at our houghton Hall pop upThis months edition of KL Magazine carries an interview with a new artist to arrive in the stables at Houghton Hall – Norwich based artist Paul P Smith. Having been painting for over thirty years we are exhibiting his highly detailed landscapes that tie in with events and experiences in his life. A self-taught artist with a career in psychiatric nursing behind him Paul has an extraordinary approach to painting that we hope visitors will enjoy seeing.
From Soho to The Fens
Fren Ingrams showing at Houghton HallBorn in 1964, Fred Ingrams studied at Camberwell and St. Martins Schools of Art. He painted above the Coach & Horses pub in Soho for 10 years. In 1998 he moved to Norfolk where has spent the last seven years painting The Fens. We are offering 3 of his recent new works at Houghton Hall. (Photograph of Fred at work in the Fens © Pete Johnstone)
We are pleased to be showing the photographic work of Debby Besford – an established professional photographer who lives in Norfolk with her family and works throughout the UK. Her work showcases a rich and diverse portfolio of images specializing in, Contemporary portraiture, Corporate and Editorial. Her images are beautifully composed with each of her subjects feeling at ease in front of the camera. There is a strong sense of trust and sensitivity between the photographer and her sitters.
Shauna Richardson, Crochetdermy®
Shauna Richardson's new crochetdermy piece called "The Wolf and the Lamb" has been shortlisted for the prestigious John Ruskin prize 2017. Winners will be announced on Tuesday 20th June at the Millennium Gallery, Sheffield. The shortlist exhibition, Master of all Trades, will be on display from 21st June – 8th October 2017.
Houghton Hall Pop Up installation 2017
Final Touches Completed
Welcome to our first exhibition of contemporary art and handmade objectcs in the stables at Houghton HallWe opened our new exhibition in the stables to the public, Sunday 30 April. Houghton Hall opens between 11am to 5pm every Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holiday Mondays,
The stable block with the main house beyond, Houghton Hall
As Houghton Hall prepares to open TheGuardian publishes an article about the opening of Richard Long's much anticipated exhibition in the grounds and house. We are delighted to be exhibiting the work of over 40 Norfolk artists and designers alongside.
Richard Long's sculpture in the Stone Hall at Houghton Hal;l
We are proud to be opening our latest exhibition alongside one of the most important exhibitions by celebrated Turner Prize-winning British artist, Richard Long, opening on Sunday 30 April 2017 at Houghton Hall, North Norfolk.
Norfolk Country Cottages sponsor our event at Houghton Hall
Collaboration for a great summer
Norfolk Country Cottages join us again as key sponsorNorfolk Country Cottages, who supported our last show in Field Dalling in 2016, have joined us again this year as co-sponsors for Norfolk by Design at Houghton Hall.
Norfolk Line by Richard Long at Houghton Hall, 2017
Our next pop-up event opens in the Stables at Houghton Hall this spring and continues throughout the summer. We will be featuring a selection of Norfolk’s finest artists and craftspeople to coincide with a solo exhibition by renowned British artist Richard Long located within the gardens and park.
Our first pop up at Houghton Hall in 2017 (when known as Norfolk by Design)
We are pleased to confirm that our next event will take place at Houghton Hall this year. We will open an exhibition space in the Stables at Houghton Hall, home to the Marquess and Marchioness of Cholmondeley.